If you are looking for a place to clif jump, this is a place to do it!
This is the sencond clif
He is crazy.... first one was about 70 feet and the second one.... a lot higher than the first one. I need to ask Josiah. I was more nurvous with the kids trying to get to the edge of the clif to see Dad jumping.
I can totally see Lily trying this kind of stuff someday!
Here are some pictures from the camping trip
"dam info center" made me laugh. I've been cliff jumping one time in my life, and it really was because everyone else was doing it (at girl's camp). It was fun, but I'd never do it again. :) Your kids are so adorable in those pictures!
Thanks Loretta!! I thought about following Josiah.... then I saw how high it is....Maybe the first clif was doable, but the second one is no way!!! He is just crazy for doing it! hahaha
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