Friday, July 3, 2009

Wow.... I really have to update....

I can't believe that the last time I update the blog was January.... What have I been doing?
Here are some fun things we've done since last post ;0)

It was Lily's first girl's day! In Japan, on March 3rd is a Girl's Day and we simply celebrate being a girl ;) Usually people decorate "Hina" dolls but we don't have it here... so my parents send me hina dolls card for Lily ;0)Kai was more excited than Lily of course! Sushi and cake! He thought it was his birthday!

We took Kai to Disney on Ice for the first time! We weren't sure if he would like it and sit still.... HE TOTALLY LOVED IT!!!!! He was staring the show the whole time and cheering for all the characters!!! It was so cute to see how excited he was!
Lily is getting so chunky! She reminded me of her big brother! We just want to squeeze their cheeks and kiss them!!!
Oh, and it was Kai's first time actually enjoying Easter!!! Now he is getting the idea of egg hunt, he just LOVED it! I swear he was doing egg hunt everywhere all week long!

We are so proud of our daddy! He graduated from Weber State! He is a very hard working dad! He had to commute from Sandy to Ogden a few times a week for school! He works all day and goes to school and comes home to do homework till it is time to go to bed! I don't know if I can do what he does! Thank you for all you do for us, honey! You are really the #1 dad!! and congrats!!!!!
We went to Park City with our good friends! We've been planning on this trip since last Aug when we went camping with them! We were all cute pregnants back then! We thought there would be no way for us to camp with all these babies next year... so we went to the condo in Park City! Our room was connected to the pool! Kids were so excited! It was fun to see older kids playing together! We had a great time talking over mid-night! Thanks for letting us watch Brides War, boys! and we have to do that again next year!!! All my pictures are in my email... since my camera was dead...Thanks Loretta for sending all the pictures!!!

We just went to Payson Lake to camp with our friends! I was a little worried about Lily.... for her being little and the weather didn't look so great.... But actually Lily enjoyed it! Our friends have kids that are around Kai's age, so Kai was totally entertained the whole time! It was heaven for Kai because our camp food was out, so he can get into chips and snacks without getting our help! If not ours, then someones snacks were always on the table! That boy didn't eat very well (nutrition wise)during the camp....
and the second day of camping was our great niece and nephew's baptism! The church wasn't too far from the camp site either and we won't miss that for anything! It was a very special day! There were many family members to see them being baptised. The talks were so awesome and spirit was so strong! I think we all felt that!! I hope all the kids will remember that special day!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Lily's Baby Blessing

This day was so special to our family! We blessed Lily on the first Sunday. (1/4) She was dressed in her first white dress and looked so beautiful! During the meeting, We got to listen to Josiah's parents testimony! We always knew that they have testimony of the church, but it was very touching to hear them bearing it at church. Grandkids got to hear it also and I think it was very special! My calling is in the primary, so I get to stay in the primary and watch the kids. I was totally underestimating how much little kids know! When a teacher bears testimony they do listen and I know spirit touches them!! So I am glad that Kai got to hear grandma and Papa that day! I think spirit was strong that day because Josiah and I just did the temple work for my grandpas and great grand parents the day before!
It was just a perfect day for our beautiful Lily's blessing!

I can't believe that I haven't updated almost for a month!!!

I can't believe it has been almost a month since I updated last time! I've noticed that I just don't have enough time to do all the things that I want to do! I have all the craft projects that I was planning on doing... and got all the materials, but haven't even started it yet! I am trying to send out Lily's baby announcements to family and friends... (I know... it is kinda too late...) and I would like to paint a few places in the house! Josiah and I just bought a digital piano so that I can start teaching the piano lessons. I need to make lesson plans...
Somehow I just have so much stuff that I intend to do, but haven't happened yet!!!!
I just have to make a to do list and get them done like my husband does! He is so great at it! He has a little notebook or piece of paper that he carries around and lists things to do! Even prioritized sometimes! He is so organized! People say you marry someone opposite and that is SO me and Josey! He truly inspires me to be better at organizing and use my time more efficiently! (so I actually get something done!)
Well, updating was one of the things I've wanted to do, so ya--y!